
Colleagues working with me.

Giulia Pederzani
PostDoc researcher

Finite element modelling of medical imlpants.
Yue Hao
PhD researcher

Flow mechanics in the microstructure of platelet aggregates.
Jelle van Dijk
PhD researcher

Performance modelling and dynamical load-balancing of HPC applications.
Niksa Mohammadi Bagheri
PhD researcher

Modelling thrombus growth mechanics.
Frank Otto
PhD researcher

Computational modeling of brain aneurysm treatments.


Dr. Christian Spieker
PhD researcher

High-Performance cellular blood flow simulations. Vascular trauma. Elongational flows. Thesis download.
Konstantinos Asteriou
Scientific programmer

HPC code porting from CPU to GPU.
Dr. Britt van Rooij
PhD researcher

Cellular fluid mechanics of high-shear platelet aggregate formation. Thesis download.
Dr. Ben Czaja
PhD researcher

Cell resolved flow of healthy and diabetic blood with the lattice Boltzmann method. Thesis download.
Dr. Raymond Padmos
PhD researcher

Cerebral blood flow during acute ischemic stroke. Thesis download.
Max van der Kolk
Scientific programmer

HPC blood flow simulation development.
Victor Azzizi
Scientific programmer

Development of HemoCell.